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Colectie Hoya

Pasionata de cresterea plantelor Hoya, pe care le-am descoperit prin 2015.

Albiflora - Needs space to grow, likes warm conditions with light shade, water regularly but do not overwater, climbing hoya . 2 monsoon region. Moisture necessary, moderate indirect light.
Aldrichii - Climbing hoya, semi light and humid conditions (Bring inside for winter). Grows slightly dry and warm
Anulata - Keep shaded no direct sunlight, can tolerate dought but only let it dry out in winter, needs trellis support best grown at 20-25 degrees, can't tolerate lower than 10 degrees, climbing hoya (Bring inside for winter)
Australis - Easy growing, partial shade no direct sunlight, water regularly but do not overwater, Requires good drainage, best grown at 20-25 degrees, can't tolerate lower than 10 degrees
Bella - Water regulary but do not overwater, requires consistantly moist soil, do not let dry out between watering, partial shade - don't let it get root bound, basket hoya (protect from cold) From moist highland rain forest...constant moisture. Cool
Benguetensis - Requires trellis support, can handle a little sunlight, keep moist but can tolerate some dryness, don't overwater, grows best around 30 degrees, don't expose under 17 degrees
Bhutanica - Water regulary but do not overwater, don't let dry out between watering, light shade, likes warm humid conditions, grows best 20-25 degrees, can't tolerate lower than 10 degrees Grows dryer, moderate light.
Bilobata - Likes light but not direct sunlight, keep protected, tolerates drought but do not let run dry, water and fertilize regularly best grown 20-25 degrees, doesn't like to be below 10 degrees,
Bordenii - Water regulary but do not overwater, don't let dry out between watering, light shade, grows best at 30 degrees doesn't like below 17 degrees, grows shady, moist, cool dim to moderate light
Buotii - indirect light, regular watering
Camphorifolia - Keep moist, (moisture lover) protect from cold, scent a bit smelly :?
Carnosa - Cool growing, doesn't like to be over exposed to temps over 25 degrees for too long or under 10 degrees, Water regulary but do not overwater, don't let dry out, in direct light
Caudata - Water regulary but do not overwater, likes humidity, fertilizer, likes moisture, in direct sun, grown best at 20-25 degrees, doesn't like to be lower A, don't allow to run completely dry, grown best at 20-25 degrees, doesn't like lower than 10 degrees - use a very porous soil High humidity and air movement.
aff Chuniana - Good as a indoor plant, requires regular feeding, can handle some sun ( Indoors for winter)
Cinnamomfolia - sensitive to overwatering
Coriacea - needs a little more water due to thin leaves, don't allow to run dry, protect from cold
Cumingiana - don't allow to run dry, Best grown on a trellis, trained and tied, (cutting)
Curtisii - Requires relatively high humidity, needs to dry out between watering, followed by a good soak, likes sun , grown best at 20-25 degrees, doesn't like to be lower than 10 1degrees (Cutting) Moist. Deep shade. Don't let it get dry
Cystiantha - Keep indoors during winter, likes hot humid conditions, bright light but not direct sunlight, do not overwater
Dennisii - Water regulary but do not overwater, light shade, no direct sunlight, prefers cooler tem, keep moist but not wet, keep protected, happy at 20-25 degrees, no less than 10 degrees
Dimorpha - Prefers cooler climate, allow it to dry out between watering
Diversifolia - Requires a trellis, Easy Care, Water regulary but do not overwater, can tolerate running dry, no direct sunlight, fertalize once a monthe, prefers 20-25 degrees, or warmer conditions no lower than 10 degrees
Erythrina - Requires a trellis, Easy Care, Likes sunny conditions but don't let dry out though can tolerate running dry, prefers 30 degrees, no less than 17 degrees (DO NOT OVERWATER) Grows in understory with little light and lots of air movement.
Erythrostemma - Requires a trellis for support, water regularly, don't let dry out completely though can handle some drought, prefers 20-25 degrees, no lower than 10 degrees - regular fertilizing Found beside a river, shady, moist, good air movement.
Flagellata - Requires trellis support, Easy care
Forbesii - Likes warmth and humidity (Cutting)
Fungii - Easy Care, fast grower, no direct sunlight, don't allow to completely run dry, prefers 20-25 degrees and no lower than 10 degrees
Glabra - Climbing hoya, needs space, (bring inside for winter)A wet forest climber, not full sun
Graveolens - Fast growing, Likes bright conditons but not direct sunlight, heavy drinker, don't let dry out, prefers 30 degrees and no lower than 17 degrees
Heuschkeliana - Likes warmth and humidity, indirect light and keep moist, prefers 20-25 degrees and no lower than 10 degrees - regular fertilizing
Inconspicua - tempermental, needs to be shelterd, do not overwater (cutting)Coastal. + light (cutting)
Kerrii - Easy care, needs lots of space, and prefers moist soil, don't allow it to dry out, likes sunlight, don't fertilize too much, prefers 20-25 degrees no lower than 10 degrees grow open and dry.
Krinkle - Easy care, don't overwaterLacunosa (Poonsak) - Keep indoors in winter, needs to be kept moist, no direct sunlight, cool growing hoya, doesn't like temps higher than 25 degrees or lower than 10 degrees - regular fertilizing
Lacunosa - Suited for a hanging basket (Bring inside for winter) - regular fertilizing, is a good indoor plant
Lamingtoniae - Doesn't like to run dry, water regularly, sensitive to heat and cold, best grown on a trellis
Lauterbachii - (WARM) Requires lots of light, heat and humidity, add limestone to potting mix, tolerates lots of sun, keep slightly moist at all times
Leucordhoda - No direct sunlight, keep slightly moist at all times, best grown at 20-25 degrees no lower than 10 degrees
Linearis - Prefers to be on the dry side, but not completely, no direct sunlight, doesn't like temps over 25 degrees for too long or under 10 degrees (Cutting) Grows dryish and cool.
Macgillivrayi - Keep moist, no direct sunlight, Sheltered, semi shaded position, in warm humid conditions, or in cooler conditions in a greenhouse or patio requires a cylindricial wire frame, keep dryer during winter, don't overfeed, slow release fertilizer is adequate, best grown in 30 degree temps no lower than 17 degrees (protect from cold) Single monsoon area. Moderate light, grow dryish in winter.
Magnifica - Requires a trellis, no direct sunlight, Does not like to be root bound, don't let it dry out, prefers 20-25 degrees and not under 10 degrees (Inside for Winter) Found in high altitude, in shade and lots of water.
Meliflua - Needs heat and humidity, Needs sturdy support
Merrillii - great for a hanging basket, doesn't like to be too cold
Mindorensis - Requires a trellis, Tempermental, doesn't like to be too hot or too cold, likes more humid conditions, and evenly moist but don't overwater, best grown in 20-25 degrees no lower than 10 degrees Shade grower.
Minibelle - Let soil dry out before watering, indirect sunlight (cutting)
Motoskei - Easy care, no direct sunlight, don't overwater, don't allow to dry out completely, prefers 20-25 degrees and no lower than 10 degrees (cutting)
Multiflora - Doesn't like cold, take care not to overwater, prefers warm and humid conditions, may need pruning (Bring inside for winter)
Naumanii - Fast growing, easy care, requires a large hoop support from the beggining, loves the sun, prefers to be grown around 30 degrees and no lower than 17 degrees Found in the understory, moist, low light.
Obvata - Easy care, don't overwater, not too much fertilizer, no direct sunlight, don't allow to completely dry out, prefers to be grown in 20-25 degrees and no lower than 10 degrees (Cutting)
Odorta - Likes heat and humidity (Cutting)
Patella - Likes heat and humidity but no direct sunlight, don't allow to dry out keep slightly moist at all times, prefers to be grown around 30 degrees and no lower than 17 degrees (Cutting) (WARM)
Paucifloria - Likes cooler conditions, bright light, not direct sunlight, can tolerate drought but don't let completly dry, prefer to be grown around 20-25 degrees and no lower than 10 degrees (DO NOT OVER WATER) This one needs a watering schedule - potting mix slightly moist at all times, needs to porous soil
Polyneura - (Fishtail) - Tempermental, indirect light, can handle drought but don't allow to completley dry out, Keep it well fertilized, and prefers porous soil, requires pruning, prefers 20-25 degrees no lower than 10 degrees, prefers cooler temps (bring inside for summer)
Pottsii - Easy care, likes warmer conditions, likes lots of light but protect from midday sun, tolerates drought but don't allow to completly dry out, prefers 20-25 degrees and no lower than 10 degrees (keep on the dryer side) (protect from cold)
Pubcalyx - Easy care, water regularly but don't overwater, likes light but not direct sunlight, don't allow to completly dry out, prefers to be grown around 20-25 degrees and no lower than 10 degrees
Purpureo-fusca - Grows in midstory of forest, dim light + humidity.
Rubida - Requires a medium amount of water, easy grow, do not expose to sunlight, tolerates some drought but do not let run dry, best grown around 20-25 degrees
Samoensis - do not expose to sunlight, tolerates some drought but do not let run dry, best grown around 20-25 degrees, water sparingly likes heat and humidity
Shepherdii - Easy care, water regularly but don't overwater, tolerates some drought but don't let dry out, likes light but no direct sunlight, prefers 20-25 degrees and no lower than 10 degrees, feed well
Sigillatis - Tolerates some drought but Don't let it dry out, water regularly, no direct sunlight, best to hang, prefers 20-25 degrees and no lower than 10 degrees
Serpens - indirect light, but shaded, likes humidity, prefers cooler weather, don't allow to completly dry out, keep slightly moist at all times, does not like temps above 25 degrees or below 10 degrees (Indoors for summer)
Subcalva - likes light but do not expose to sunlight, tolerates some drought but do not let run dry, best grown around 30 degrees, regular fertilizing
Sussuela - Keep slightly moist, don't allow it to dry out, likes to be in direct sunlight and humidity
Thomsonii - Keep moist at all times (but not wet) prefers cool and shaded, recommend self watering pot as it needs consistant moisture - protect from heat a cool growing species, doesn't like temps above 25 degrees or below 10 degrees, (Indoors for summer) (Cutting) Found on rocks next to a stream. Grow cool, deep shade, high humidity. Air flow.
Tomataensis - Keep on the dry side, water very sparingly, in a shaded area with good drainage and protect from cold (Cutting)
Vanuatuensis - Best grown on trellis, do not expose to direct sunlight
Vitellina - Flower stinks, keep on the dry side, protect from sun but can handle a little, climber
TIP: - Don't water hoyas so much when the buds are setting in
Paul Shirley
Paul Shirley
Verticilata RB Mini
Verticilata RB Mini

Comentarii album • 6
sylvia 1 September 2016  
Preferatele mele! Frumoase!
popcri 2 September 2016  
enama 19 August 2016  
superbe !!! sa aveti noroc sa infloreasca toate !
popcri 20 August 2016  
Multumesc la fel! :)
sylvia 19 August 2016  
Imi place colectia! Vad ca multiflora are si flori, deci se simte bine. La mai multe hoya!
popcri 19 August 2016  
Daa, multiflora e... multiflora :))) infloreste in mod continuu, pare ca nimic nu o opreste :)
multumesc mult, la fel si dvs, am admirat colectia pe care o aveti!
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